Performance Appraisals: What’s In It For Your Business?

Performance Appraisals What's In It For Your Business - LighterHR

For many businesses, when the annual round of performance appraisals is performed, questions can start to arise around “Do we have to do these?” and “What’s the point of this?” Does this sound familiar? In this post, we’ll look at the value of performance appraisals to your business.

Preparation Tips for Performance Appraisals

Preparation Tips for Performance Appraisals - LighterHR

In this blog post we give practical guidance on what to think about when preparing for and delivering an appraisal. This should help you ensure both you and your employees benefit from the time you are investing.

Giving Feedback: Is it Really Worth the Effort?

Giving Feedback Is It Worth The Effort - Lighter HR

As a manager, you’ll have heard repeatedly that giving constructive feedback is the answer to many of your management challenges. It’s a challenging area but developing skills in giving feedback is definitely a worthwhile investment. Our post provides managers some insights and tips on giving feedback.