Employee Engagement Surveys

Find out what your employees are really thinking

Finding out what your employees are thinking can make sure you invest in the right HR strategies

Employee engagement surveys can offer you real insight into what your employees are experiencing at work and what they value. Surveys can be very detailed and conducted once or twice a year, or you can undertake pulse surveys on a far more frequent basis and get snap-shot information about specific areas.

Understanding what your employees are thinking and what they value can save you time, money and a lot of frustration!

We have worked with many organisations who have made significant investments in implementing HR strategies (improved benefits, training courses, structural changes) with the sole aim of improving employee engagement. When the initiatives are rolled out they are met with a lukewarm response from employees, leading to a great deal of frustration and thoughts of “We can never make them happy!” from the management team. If these clients had just asked their employees what was important to them before moving to action they could have avoided this.

We provide support for your business running employee engagement surveys, either by providing guidance to you and your managers on the creation, execution, review and analysis of results, or can do all this for you, presenting the findings and recommendations to your senior team.

For more details, see our Employee Engagement Surveys FAQ

Support for Employee Engagement Surveys

Guidance on the Approach

You’ll speak with one of our experts and they will talk you through the different types of survey and help you to decide which approach would work best for your business. We can give you some tips and advice on structuring the survey and you can go it alone from there.

Full Support

We’ll still have the conversation with you to decide on the best approach, but we’ll then conduct the survey on your behalf, complete the analysis and provide you with the results. Where appropriate, we’ll also work with you to create a plan to address the key themes that have emerged from the survey.

Employee Engagement Survey - Lighter HR

Key Service Features
for our Employee Engagement Survey Service

Support from an experienced HR Consultant who has created and analysed many Employee Engagement Surveys and who can advise you on the options for your business.

Insight into what your survey results reveal and, more importantly, the types of actions you could take to improve employee engagement.

Expert guidance on the questions that you should ask your employees to gain the insight you are looking to obtain.

What our clients say…
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Employee Engagement Surveys FAQ

Do I need to do an Employee Engagement Survey?

Absolutely not.

There is no requirement for you to undertake an employee engagement survey but there are many benefits in doing so.

We explore the benefits in our blog post on employee engagement surveys but in short, rather than needing to guess what your employees are thinking and what it is that is important to them, by undertaking a survey you’ll know for sure.

This means that you can spend your time and money on initiatives that will have real impact on employee engagement.

Are there any downsides to doing an Employee Engagement Survey?


If you are not prepared to take some actions based on the information you receive then you are better not to do a survey.

Of course, there’s no expectation that you will fix everything that gets raised through a survey, but you do need to be prepared to be honest about what the survey has revealed and look to take some steps that address the issues that your employees have raised.

I don’t have the time or money to do a full employee engagement survey. Are there any alternatives?

A full employee engagement survey is quite a commitment, particularly the first one.

If you don’t want to jump in with a full survey straight away, an alternative to employee engagement surveys is a pulse survey.

A pulse survey asks 3 – 5 questions on a monthly basis. You tend to have 1 or 2 questions that remain unchanged each week and then pick some additional questions that give insight into a particular topic.

The advantage of pulse surveys is that they are very quick and easy and provide you with constant feedback. The downside is that you can start to see a decrease in response rates as the months go on and survey fatigue kicks in.

How often should I run an Employee Engagement Survey?

As a minimum, an employee engagement survey should be annual; ideally, it should be every six months.

If you leave too long a gap between surveys then it can become difficult to identify what may be causing a change in results.

If you have further questions, call us on 0203 319 1649 and we can go through the options available to you.