What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Outsourcing HR?

Advantages and Disadvantages of Outsourcing HR - LighterHR

Outsourcing the HR function is one way that a company can get the HR support that it needs. In this blog post, we’ll look at some of the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing HR functions when compared to having an in-house HR function.

Why Would a Company Outsource HR?

Why Would a Company Outsource HR - Lighter HR

There are different ways that a company can get the HR support that they need. A company outsourcing its HR is an increasingly popular option. So, why would a company outsource HR? This blog post looks at some of the reasons why a company may choose to outsource HR.

Changes to the ‘Right to Work’ Check Process

Changes to Right to Work Check Process - LighterHR

On 1st October 2022, the way in which companies check right to work documents changed. This article summarises the new rules, and provides reminders for conducting right to work checks and the penalties you can face for employing individuals who do not have the right to work in the UK.

6 Invaluable Tips for Managing a Redundancy Process

2020-09-15 - 6 Invaluable Tips for Managing a Redundancy Process - Lighter HR

Redundancy is a difficult process to navigate for any business and is the last resort, particularly given how complex it can be. If you’re considering redundancies, or you’ve already started the process, here’s 6 tips to help you manage your redundancy process effectively.

Redundancy: 5 Common Mistakes for Employers to Avoid

2018-10-02 - Redundancy Mistakes for Employers to Avoid - Lighter HR

The redundancy process is complicated and there’s a lot to think about both before you get started and throughout the entire process.  In this post we’ll share some of the areas to be particularly mindful of when conducting a redundancy process.

How Do You Conduct a Redundancy Consultation?

2022-05-16 - Redundancy Consultation - Lighter HR

Redundancy consultation is a key part of a redundancy process. In this blog post, we’ll look at what “consultation” actually means, how you make sure you do it properly, and some useful information and pointers on how to undertake an effective redundancy consultation process.

Management Discretion: Consistency in Applying HR Policies

Management Discretion - Consistency in Applying HR Policies - Lighter HR

Many of our clients have policies in place which set out clearly what their position is and yet they all tend to contain the phrase “Any variation from this policy is entirely at management discretion”. Clients have found themselves being accused of discrimination because they have treated individuals differently, so is it really possible to have HR policies which offer flexibility?

Are Employees Entitled to Take the Extra Public Holiday in 2022?

2021-10-19 - Are employees entitled to take the extra public holiday in 2022 - Lighter HR

An extra public holiday has been announced for 3rd June 2022 to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. For many employers, they will simply give everyone an additional paid day off but is this something that employers have to do or it is something over which you have a choice?

How Do You Calculate Employee Holiday Correctly?

2017-04-25 - How Do You Calculate Employee Holiday Correctly - Lighter HR

Holiday calculations can often be confusing, for example, if someone joins or leaves a company part-way through a year, or what happens with holiday when on maternity leave. This blog post answers the questions we receive most frequently on how to calculate employee holiday.

Tips on Managing Summertime Employee Absenteeism

2016-08-16 - Summer Employee Absenteeism - Lighter HR

At this time of year employee absenteeism can be on the rise. It’s not the coughs and colds that lead to the “I’m too ill to work” telephone calls, it tends to be more related to sunburn and Pimms! Obviously, it can be very difficult to prove that someone isn’t genuinely ill but there are some situations that can arise that need careful handling.

Outsourcing HR Guide - LighterHR