Tips on How to Deal with Troublesome Employees

2016-09-08 - How to Deal with Troublesome Employees - Lighter HR

There are very few businesses who don’t have that one difficult employee who just seems to be more trouble than they are worth. They don’t do anything that’s so wrong as to warrant disciplinary action but just make everything so much harder than it needs to be. So here are some simple tips on dealing with troublesome employees.

Covert Surveillance:
Can You Record your Employees?

2016-06-24 - Covert Surveillance - Can You Record Your Employees - Lighter HR

Recording employees without their knowledge can present human rights issues and we would never suggest that this is something a business does routinely. However, a recent Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) hearing has seen case law tested in this area. The case looked at whether employers could undertake covert surveillance in order to prove fraud.

Holiday Headaches: Managing Planned and Unplanned Absence

Managing Planned and Unplanned Absence - LighterHR

During the holiday season, office parties, over-indulgence and last-minute holiday requests are commonplace. This post provides guidance for employers on the headache of managing both planned and unplanned employee absence at this time of year.

Who Owns Your Business Contacts held on Social Media?

2013-03-27 - Who Owns Your Business Contacts Held on Social Media - Lighter HR

As a business owner, your contacts database is likely to be something that you guard closely. What about those contacts who are gathered through employee networking and stored on privately owned social media accounts? How do you prevent them disappearing out of the door at the same time as the employee leaves?

Remote Working: Is It the Beginning of the End of Working From Home?

2013-03-17 - Remote Working - Is It the Beginning of the End for Working from Home - Lighter HR

For years we’ve heard about the benefits of flexible working and home working, and many predicted that this would be the way of the future. Yahoo bucked the trend by issuing staff with a memo stating that they were banning all staff from remote working. You can imagine the reaction this received but are they right in their approach?

Honesty in the Recruitment Process

2013-03-11 - Honesty in the Recruitment Process - Lighter HR

There was extensive press coverage of the case of Stella English, a winner of the TV show ‘The Apprentice’. Ms English won a £100,000 position at the end of the series but claims that the role did not turn out to be what she was expecting. This case got us thinking about how transparent a recruitment process needs to be.

Tips on Managing Long-Term Employee Absence

2013-01-21 - Tips on Managing Long-term Employee Absence - Lighter HR

Managing long-term employee absence can present a real challenge to all businesses but particularly to small and medium sized companies. Whilst the financial burden of long-term absence can be managed through insurance schemes and statutory sick pay, the practical issue of “who performs this work?” presents a far larger challenge.

What’s More Important:
The Contract or The Reality?

2012-10-08 - What's More Important - The Employment Contract or Reality - Lighter HR

There have been two cases in recent months which have reinforced the need to ensure that your employment contract reflects the reality of the working relationship you have with your employees. We provide insight into these cases then guidance on employment contracts.

Tips on Managing Difficult Employees

2012-07-29 - Tips of Managing Difficult Employees - Lighter HR

From the moment you hire your first employee, you know it’s just a matter of time before you are going to find yourself dealing with a difficult employee issue. Here are some tips around what to do when you sense it all beginning to go wrong.