TUPE Transfers: Answers to TUPE FAQ

2020-02-18 - TUPE Transfers - Answers to TUPE FAQ - Lighter HR

TUPE has been in place in the UK since 1981 and yet remains one of the most complicated and frustrating piece of employment legislation. Nonetheless, it’s here to stay for now so we thought it would be prudent to answer the most FAQs we receive on TUPE.

When Does TUPE Apply?

2017-03-23 - When Does TUPE Apply - Lighter HR

An overview of what TUPE is, when it generally applies and what the basic responsibilities are for the employers involved.

TUPE – Small Scale Transfers

TUPE Small Scale Transfers - LighterHR

Changes to TUPE consultation requirements come into effect from 1st July 2024. This post provides details of the changes and what employers need to do to manage the changes.