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For some additional information, here’s some articles that you might find interesting:
What Are the Factors That Lead to HR Outsourcing?
There are various factors that can lead to a company making the decision to outsource HR. We talk with many companies who are considering outsourcing their HR and there are some common themes as to why they are considering this. In this post, we review the themes that lead to companies outsourcing HR.
What Should You Consider Before Outsourcing HR Activities?
Outsourcing is one option for businesses to manage their HR. The success of outsourcing is, of course, mostly down to the quality of the outsource provider. There are, however, some steps you can take to ensure the partnership is a success. In this blog post, we look at what a company should look at before outsourcing HR activities.
Outsourced HR Case Study – Once Upon a Time (Creative Agency)
See how Once Upon a Time achieved consistent growth supported by LighterHR outsourced hr services. Download the case study for insights you can apply to your business.