Our complete guide to ‘Managing Large-Scale Redundancies’ will walk you through the process of making 20 or more people redundant in a 90 day period.

It’ll take you from confused to confident, so you can start the process straight away and avoid the common mistakes that companies often make.

With this free 27-page guide you’ll:

  • Understand the 3 most important differences between a standard redundancy and a large-scale redundancy and how to navigate these.
  • Learn what the law says about large-scale redundancy and how that applies to your business’ redundancy process.
  • Understand the 5 things that every employer must consider to ensure the fair selection of employee representatives.
  • Learn how to manage both collective and individual consultations effectively.
  • Ensure your business stays compliant and understand your responsibilities as an employer.
  • Have the knowledge to carry out a large-scale redundancy the right way.
An image with an orange background. 
 In the bottom right corner is a man holding his belongings.  Managing Large-scale Redundancies from LighterHR
Icon - Experience

Support from an assigned CIPD qualified HR consultant with at least 10 years’ experience who has managed all types of redundancies.

Icon - Knowledge

Be confident that you’re following the sound legal process and focusing on the facts. Ensure that your process is compliant from start to finish.

Icon - Scalability

Continued support dealing with any issues after completion of a redundancy process, with access to a variety of HR support solutions.

Icon - Transparency

Get the level of support that suits the needs of your business. Our redundancy management service gives you what you need, when you need it, with no hidden extras.

What levels of redundancy support do you offer?

What our clients say

Do you have questions regarding managing your redundancy programme?

Book a free consultation and we can answer all your questions.

Don’t forget to download your guide to large-scale redundancy now

Front cover of the Managing Large-Scale Redundancies guide from LighterHR
Managing Large-Scale Redundancies

Outsourcing HR Guide - LighterHR