Outsourced HR Case Study - Once Upon a Time - LighterHR - Results
  • Tips on Addressing Employee Negativity - LighterHR - Featured

    Tips on Addressing Employee Negativity

    Employee negativity is probably something that we have all come across at some point in our careers. No business is immune! It happens in every business and every industry. So what should you do to prevent, manage and get rid of negativity in the workplace?

  • How Big is the Threat of Constructive Dismissal - LighterHR - Featured

    How Big is the Threat of Constructive Dismissal?

    One employee issue our clients often worry about is having an employee resign and claim constructive dismissal based on dissatisfaction with some element of their employment or how they have been managed. This post provides insights so that you can understand the types of situations where these claims could be a risk to your business.

  • When Employee Use of Social Media Turns Nasty - LighterHR - Featured

    What Do You Do When Employee Use of Social Media Turns Nasty?

    There are some forms of social media use, however, that step over the line to become harassment and bullying (both direct and anonymous) which are potentially damaging to your employees and puts your company’s good reputation at risk. What can and should you do when things turn nasty?

  • Dealing with Employee Problems in the Workplace - LighterHR - Featured

    Dealing with Employee Problems in the Workplace

    It’s impossible for managers to please everyone, and employees won’t always get on with each other. As such conflicts are bound to arise in a workplace and resolving them is key to a harmonious workplace. Therefore, this blog post gives some suggestions concerning how to handle such conflicts.

  • When the Employee Grievance Can't Be Solved - LighterHR - Featured

    What Happens When the Grievance Can’t Be Solved?

    Grievances don’t always lead to the result that the employee desires. As such, it is important that you take the right steps after the grievance if it can’t be solved, including in cases of an employee’s resignation. This post gives an overview of what some of this steps may be.

  • Employee Benefits What Are The Options - LighterHR - Featured

    Employee Benefits: What Are the Options?

    Employee motivation is important in any successful business. As such, employee rewards are key in maintaining a high quality of work. Therefore, this post gives some ideas for both traditional and more creative employee rewards schemes.

  • Performance Appraisals What's In It For Your Business - LighterHR - Featured

    Performance Appraisals: What’s In It For Your Business?

    For many businesses, when the annual round of performance appraisals is performed, questions can start to arise around “Do we have to do these?” and “What’s the point of this?” Does this sound familiar? In this post, we’ll look at the value of performance appraisals to your business.

  • Performance Appraisals How to Maximise Their Value - LighterHR - Featured

    Performance Appraisals: How to Maximise Their Value

    Performance appraisals tend to be something businesses either embrace, ignore or conduct in a fairly half-hearted manner. In this post we share some of the common issues with performance appraisals so you can get the most out of the process.

  • Preparation Tips for Performance Appraisals - LighterHR - Featured

    Preparation Tips for Performance Appraisals

    In this blog post we give practical guidance on what to think about when preparing for and delivering an appraisal. This should help you ensure both you and your employees benefit from the time you are investing.

  • Does Company Culture Really Matter - LighterHR - Featured

    Does Company Culture Really Matter?

    Establishing a company culture may sound like a very broad statement but in most cases it’s something that already exists and just needs nurturing. Here is some simple guidance on how to establish and develop the company culture you want.

  • Performance Appraisals - Are They a Thing of the Past - LighterHR - Featured

    Performance Appraisals: Are They a Thing of the Past?

    Good news! You don’t need to do Performance Appraisals anymore as they are antiquated and no one else is doing them. Right? Not quite. Performance Appraisals as they used to be may be a thing of the past but that doesn’t mean you can stop appraising performance.

  • 5 Common Mistakes Managing Absence - LighterHR - Featured

    5 Common Mistakes When Managing Employee Absence

    Managing employee absence can be a minefield, with many employers avoiding it where they can. In this blog post, we’re going to look at the common mistakes that are made when managing employee absence and give some tips on how to avoid them.

  • 5 Common Mistakes when Managing Grievances - LighterHR - Featured

    5 Common Mistakes When Managing Grievances

    Dealing with employee grievances can be one of the most challenging issues in the workplace. Employees can be disgruntled and the issues are typically complex. In this blog post, we’re going to look at the common mistakes that are made when dealing with grievances and give some tips on how to avoid them.

  • Do Employees Have the Right to Be Accompanied in Probation Reviews - LighterHR - Featured

    Does My Employee Have the Right to Be Accompanied at a Probation Review?

    When the probation period is failed, there is the question as to whether an employee has a right to be accompanied at the meeting in which they are told that they are being dismissed. The purpose of this post is to help employers understand where they stand and whether the right to be accompanied should…

  • Employer Guide to Visa Sponsorship - LighterHR - Featured

    Employer Guidance for Visa Sponsorship

    Over the last few years, we have seen a sharp increase from businesses who are looking to offer a visa sponsorship to workers who do not have the right to work in the UK. In this post, we’ll outline some of the key areas that you should be aware of if this is something that…

  • Giving Feedback Is It Worth The Effort - LighterHR - Featured

    Giving Feedback: Is it Really Worth the Effort?

    As a manager, you’ll have heard repeatedly that giving constructive feedback is the answer to many of your management challenges. It’s a challenging area but developing skills in giving feedback is definitely a worthwhile investment. Our post provides managers some insights and tips on giving feedback.

  • Quiet Quitting at Work - LighterHR - Featured

    Quiet Quitting at Work

    You will have most likely seen the repeated use of the term “quiet quitting” in the press in recent months. In this blog post we’ll look more at the concept of quiet quitting at work and explore how you can identify if it’s happening, what you can do if it is and what you can…

  • How to Conduct Right to Work Checks - LighterHR - Featured

    How to Conduct ‘Right to Work’ Checks

    On 1st October 2022, the way in which companies check right to work documents changed. This article summarises the new rules, and provides reminders for conducting right to work checks and the penalties you can face for employing individuals who do not have the right to work in the UK.

  • Employee Engagement Surveys What Are Your Employees Thinking - LighterHR - Featured

    Employee Engagement Surveys:
    What Are Your Employees Thinking?

    As an employer, you will no doubt want your employees to enjoy working in your organisation and not just turn up every day because they are paid to, but how do you know what they genuinely think about working for you if you don’t ask them?

  • Management Discretion Consistency in Applying HR Policies - LighterHR - Featured

    Management Discretion: Consistency in Applying HR Policies

    Many of our clients have policies in place which set out clearly what their position is and yet they all tend to contain the phrase “Any variation from this policy is entirely at management discretion”. Clients have found themselves being accused of discrimination because they have treated individuals differently, so is it really possible to…

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