Tips on Managing Summertime Employee Absenteeism
At this time of year employee absenteeism can be on the rise. It’s not the coughs and colds that lead to the “I’m too ill to work” telephone calls, it tends to be more related to sunburn and Pimms! Obviously, it can be very difficult to prove that someone isn’t genuinely ill but there are…
The Right to Request Flexible Working
Any employee who has more than 26 weeks’ service has a legal right to request flexible working which covers not just the hours that they work, but also where they work from. This post gives insight into the rules and what you, as an employer, should do when you receive a flexible working request.
Difficult Employees: There’s Always One!
As a manager, you are constantly faced with a decision of whether to deal with difficult employees or not as long as overall the team is achieving. Here’s a quick list of just 4 top tips that you should incorporate into your management practice that will help you start eliminating unacceptable behaviour and performance from…
Tips on How to Deal with Troublesome Employees
There are very few businesses who don’t have that one difficult employee who just seems to be more trouble than they are worth. They don’t do anything that’s so wrong as to warrant disciplinary action but just make everything so much harder than it needs to be. So here are some simple tips on dealing…
Holiday Headaches: Managing Planned and Unplanned Absence
During the holiday season, office parties, over-indulgence and last-minute holiday requests are commonplace. This post provides guidance for employers on the headache of managing both planned and unplanned employee absence at this time of year.
Tips on Managing Difficult Employees
From the moment you hire your first employee, you know it’s just a matter of time before you are going to find yourself dealing with a difficult employee issue. Here are some tips around what to do when you sense it all beginning to go wrong.