LighterHR - Managing Redundancies
  • Employment Law Updates 2024 - LighterHR

    Business Guide to Employment Law Updates 2024

    Insights into UK Employment Law Changes for 2024 2024 saw a lot of changes to employment law in the UK. Some of these were driven by Brexit and the fact that, after 31st December 2023, EU legislation ended unless the UK took steps to move it onto the UK statute book. Changes relating to this transition…

  • TUPE Transfers - Answers to TUPE FAQ

    What Does TUPE Mean? An overview of TUPE

    The Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations (TUPE) has been in place in the UK since 1981. It remains one of the most complicated and frustrating piece of employment legislation. As with much UK employment law, the original directive came from Europe but it was retained post Brexit! Given the complexities, we thought it…

  • 6 Possible Disciplinary Hearing Outcomes

    6 Possible Disciplinary Hearing Outcomes

    Navigating the outcomes of disciplinary hearings can be challenging and it is important for managers to decide on the outcomes which are fair and reasonable. In this blog, we walk you through the various possible outcomes of disciplinary hearings.

  • Legal Duties of Employers to Prevent Sexual Harassment in the Workplace - LighterHR - Featured

    Preventing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

    Businesses have a statutory duty to take action to prevent sexual harassment. Employers are legally required to take reasonable steps to reduce the chance of sexual harassment happening in the workplace. Our post provides insights into organisations moving from dealing with complaints to taking action in prevention.

  • HR Guidance on Christmas Parties - LighterHR - Featured

    HR Guidance on Christmas Parties

    Whilst Christmas can be the perfect time for social bonding amongst your team, there are also lots of opportunities for poor conduct and unintentional discrimination, so we thought a quick guide on company-arranged Christmas events might come in useful to help you try to avoid employee disciplinary matters.

  • Protect Against Employees Setting Up a Competitor using Your Contacts - LighterHR - Featured

    How to Protect Against Employees Setting up a Competitor using Stolen Business Contacts

    This post runs through some recent case law which provides insights into employees attempting to steal business contacts to set up a rival business. It then provides guidance on how to protect your business from the same situation.

  • Corporate Liability at Company Events - LighterHR - Featured

    Company Liability at Corporate Events

    Company liability at corporate events has come up for our clients on a number of occasions, and there has been an interesting case ruling that we think people should be aware of. In this post, we’ll review the case ruling and what employers can do to minimise risks.

  • How Soon After Redundancy Can I Rehire - LighterHR

    How Soon After Redundancy Can I Rehire?

    You’ve made some redundancies in line with the needs of your business. However, things change and sometimes new recruits are needed again shortly after a redundancy process. So now what? This post provides guidance for employers and managers into what you should and should not do regarding rehiring after redundancy.

  • Can you record your employees and can they record you - LighterHR - Featured

    Can You Record Your Employees and Can They Record You?

    The question arises frequently as to whether evidence gathered this way is admissible in an employment tribunal case and also whether undertaking covert recording is a criminal act. As with many things in employment law, there is no definitive answer to these questions, however we can provide some guidance.

  • When Does TUPE Apply - LighterHR - Featured

    When Does TUPE Apply?

    An overview of what TUPE is, when it generally applies and what the basic responsibilities are for the employers involved.

  • How Big is the Threat of Constructive Dismissal - LighterHR - Featured

    How Big is the Threat of Constructive Dismissal?

    One employee issue our clients often worry about is having an employee resign and claim constructive dismissal based on dissatisfaction with some element of their employment or how they have been managed. This post provides insights so that you can understand the types of situations where these claims could be a risk to your business.

  • When Employee Use of Social Media Turns Nasty - LighterHR - Featured

    What Do You Do When Employee Use of Social Media Turns Nasty?

    There are some forms of social media use, however, that step over the line to become harassment and bullying (both direct and anonymous) which are potentially damaging to your employees and puts your company’s good reputation at risk. What can and should you do when things turn nasty?

  • When the Employee Grievance Can't Be Solved - LighterHR - Featured

    What Happens When the Grievance Can’t Be Solved?

    Grievances don’t always lead to the result that the employee desires. As such, it is important that you take the right steps after the grievance if it can’t be solved, including in cases of an employee’s resignation. This post gives an overview of what some of this steps may be.

  • Need to Review Contract Restrictions - LighterHR - Featured

    A Need to Review Contract Restrictions

    In this post we will look at an employment tribunal case that highlights the need to review the restrictive covenants in the employee’s contract, particularly when they are promoted.

  • When Should Employers Use Settlement Agreements - LighterHR - Featured

    When Should Employers Use Settlement Agreements?

    A settlement agreement is a legally binding document that allows the employer to end employment by making a payment to an employee above that to which they are contractually entitled. In return for that payment, the employee agrees not to take any further action in relation to their employment. In this post we’ll look at…

  • What Employers Should Do If Receive an Employment Tribunal Claim - LighterHR - Featured

    What To Do If an Employment Tribunal Claim Arrives?

    At some point it’s possible that an Employment Tribunal claim will land on your desk.  It could be something that you’ve been expecting; alternatively, it could catch you completely off guard.  Either way, it’s useful to know what you as an employer need to do if you find yourself in this situation.

  • Bring Your Own Device - LighterHR - Featured

    Bring your Own Device: Protecting Business Data Held on Employee-owned Devices

    Two thirds of employees use their phone for work purposes. In this post, we look at the business implications of using employee-owned devices and how a business can protect itself.

  • How to Conduct a Disciplinary Hearing - LighterHR - Featured

    How to Conduct a Disciplinary Hearing

    This post provides the steps on how to conduct a disciplinary hearing and what needs to be considered. The guidance assumes that any necessary investigations have been undertaken and that there is a disciplinary case to answer.

  • Gender Pay Gap Reporting - LighterHR - Featured

    Gender Pay Gap Reporting

    In the UK, there is a requirement for certain businesses to submit data on employee pay to the government as part of gender pay gap reporting. In this post we’ll explore what is meant by the term “gender pay gap”, which companies need to complete gender pay gap reporting, and how you go about doing…

  • When Should You Suspend an Employee - LighterHR - Featured

    When Should You Suspend an Employee?

    Suspending an employee used to be the first action when an employee may have committed an act of gross misconduct. It was also very normal for employees to be suspended during redundancy processes. This post looks at the current law on suspension and when you should and should not suspend an employee.

  • Veganuary - A Fad or Protected Characteristic - LighterHR - Featured

    Veganuary – A Fad or a Protected Characteristic?

    With veganism estimated to have had a 360% rise in the UK during the past decade, and with many more people becoming vegans in the future, we have to consider whether veganism should have a protected status in the workplace.

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