Outsourced HR

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Outsourced HR

Expert HR support that fits the size and shape of your business

When you have a fully staffed HR team you have all eventualities covered.

You have someone who deals with HR admin, someone who deals with day-to-day HR challenges and then someone who offers you strategic HR advice around growth plans, employee development and managing the more complex employee issues that arise.  They know your people, business and culture and are part of your team. 

The thing is, this comes at a cost and for most small and medium sized businesses it just doesn’t make economic sense.

Our Outsourced HR service provides a practical alternative.

By using Lighter HR’s Outsourced HR service you can have access to all of the skills you need when you need them, without the overhead of having lots of people on your payroll. We’ll work to understand your people, business and culture, so you’ll feel like your consultants are part of your team (just like an in-house HR team would) whilst also bringing with us our experience of working with lots of businesses just like yours

One of the key advantages of our Outsourced HR service is that you can have a solution in place that meets your needs now, and when those needs change you can quickly change the level and type of support you get. The service has been designed to offer you full flexibility.

For more details, see our Outsourced HR FAQ

How We Can Help You

LighterHR - HR Services - Outsourced HR

We are experts in providing outsourced HR support. This is what we do so we can guide you through every step of the process.

  • We can help you understand how outsourcing HR could help your business.
  • We can help you shape the type of outsourced support that your business needs.
  • We can deliver that outsourced support.

We really are experts in this field so let us help you with outsourcing your HR.

“Your services have surpassed any HR company or individual we have worked with, and our consultant has been a lifesaver on so many occasions. I will continue to recommend your services.”

Joseph Gleeson

Director of Operations, Caroline Baker

Outsourced HR Frequently Asked Questions

How does the outsourced HR service work?

Our Outsourced HR service is fully flexible. We’ll talk with you to understand what you’re looking for the service to do. Do you want us to perform all of your HR administration? Or do you want us to operate more at the manager level and give guidance on more complex issues? Do you want us to form part of your Senior Management Team and help you set HR strategy? All of it! It’s really up to you.

Having understood what you’re looking to achieve we’ll provide you with a package that gives you an appropriate number of hours of each type of resource (HR Administrator, HR Manager or HR Director). This will be a best guess based on our experience of working with companies similar to yours and we’ll review after 3 months to see whether it’s the right level of support. We typically suggest a slightly higher level of support for the first three months as there can be some historic issues that you want to address. After that remedial work is done you can move to a more “business-as-usual” level of support. It’s entirely up to you.

A key feature of our Outsourced HR service is that any hours that you don’t use in a month roll forward so if you end up not using all of your hours in a month then you won’t lose out.

Another key feature is the flexibility that we offer. You can turn the support up and down with a month’s notice to deal with peaks and troughs in demand.

For how long am I tied-in to a contract?

The contract can either be for a fixed duration or an on-going basis.

With either of those options you can always terminate the agreement with one month’s notice.

We want our clients to work with us because they want to, not because they signed a contract that they can’t get out of!

How much does it cost?

The monthly fee will depend on the level of support that you need. Once we’ve spoken with you and understood the level of support that you’re looking for we’ll let you know the price.

Is there a restriction on hours?

There’s a minimum of four hours support per month on the Outsourced HR package but there’s no maximum.

If you’re looking for less than four hours of support per month we’d still be more than happy to work with you but this will be on a “Pay as You Go” basis with support just being charged per hour at standard rates.

Will I always speak with the same person?

Largely, yes but……employment law says that we have to let our team take holiday sometimes!

To make sure that you always get to speak to someone that you know, we work in teams of two.

You’ll be appointed a primary and secondary consultant. The primary consultant will be your first point of contact but, if they aren’t available you can contact your secondary consultant who you’ll know and who will know you and what’s happening with any active issues.

What Do I Do Now?

Your outsourced HR service can be in place as soon as you need it.

To understand the options for outsourcing your HR, use the sidebar to book a consultation, complete the contact form or call us on 0203 535 5750, and our team will answer all your questions.