Employee Performance

LighterHR - Managing Redundancies

Employee Performance

Support with managing poor performance

There are times when poor employee performance is an obvious disciplinary matter and you can move straight to that stage. (We can help with Employee Disciplinary too, either just to offer advice or to deal with the procedure on your behalf).

But there are also many occasions when poor employee performance falls into that horrible ‘in-between’ place: it’s not so bad that you feel it justifies disciplinary action, but equally, it simply isn’t good enough.

These are the situations that many of our clients find it very difficult to manage.

We have lots of experience in helping clients manage these situations and we can help you too.

For more details, see our Employee Performance FAQ

How We Can Help You

LighterHR - Managing Redundancies

There are many different ways that we can help you with employees underperforming:

  • We can be a sounding board and make sure that you are not digging yourself into a hole by doing what you plan to do.
  • We can provide you with a plan to follow and the documentation you need. We can be there to guide you every step of the way.
  • We can deal with the issue on your behalf. We’ll work with you to agree the approach. Then have the conversations for you and make sure all of the documentation is in place.

Our support will enable you to take early action with one of two outcomes:

  • Performance is raised to where it needs to be, or
  • Enough evidence is gathered to begin a disciplinary process.

We can be as visible or invisible as you like. Whichever approach you choose, you’ll know that the issue is being dealt with in a legally compliant way and in a way that’s aligned to your business values.

“Your services have surpassed any HR company or individual we have worked with, and our consultant has been a lifesaver on so many occasions. I will continue to recommend your services.”

Joseph Gleeson

Director of Operations, Caroline Baker

Employee Performance Frequently Asked Questions

I’m worried I’ve not acted “by the book” with managing this employee’s performance…

When it comes to managing poor performance it’s possible that you’ve tried all sorts of approaches already but you know that none of them have ticked the right legal boxes in order for you to rely on them if you do move through a formal process.

Equally, your not acting “by the book” could be that you’ve really not raised the issues with the employee at all and you know that it’s not been the right thing to do.

Whatever it is that you think you may have done wrong, tell us, and we’ll help you find a way through the issue.

I don’t even know where to start with this employee issue.

You’re not alone! When employee performance is truly awful and the individual is failing to hit targets again and again then it’s likely that you’d know what to do. However, when an employee’s performance just isn’t quite right but you can’t quite put your finger on where they are going wrong, it can seem like it’s going to be a very difficult situation to manage.

This is where we can help. We’ll have helped clients with managing poor performance issues that are just like the issue you’re experiencing and we can help you to articulate it and come up with appropriate measures to help the employee understand where things are going wrong and hopefully get them back on track.

What process will you go through to help me deal with the situation?

Firstly, you can get it all off your chest! Managing poor performance can be stressful and frustrating, so having an objective listener to vent to can be extremely helpful (and therapeutic!).

Next, we help you get practical. We’re likely to have come across a similar situation before and we’ll talk you through tips and techniques to address the problem. We can help you prepare for difficult conversations, provide templates to set clear objectives and track progress and be there to support you if things don’t go to plan.

Finally, if you really can’t get employee performance to where you need it, we can guide you through the disciplinary process.

Can you reduce the risk of an employment tribunal claim?

Reduce it, yes. Remove it, no! No-one, no matter what they may tell you, can completely remove the risk of an employee raising an employment tribunal claim.

When it comes to dealing with poor performance there are definitely some steps that we’ll take with you that will help to manage the risk.

Firstly, we’ll make sure that your communicating your concerns clearly and in writing so you’re starting to build some evidence around how you tried to manage the situation.

Secondly, we’ll make sure that you’re following any internal processes and being mindful of relevant employment law.

Critically, we can manage the risk of you incurring higher-than-necessary awards and paying the additional 25% at tribunal for failing to follow the appropriate process.

What Do I Do Now?

Support for managing your employee’s poor performance can be in place as soon as you need it.

To get the support you need, use the sidebar to book a consultation, complete the contact form or call us on 0203 535 5750, and our team will start helping you straight away.