Lighter HR - Employee Disciplinary
  • How to Managing Grievances - Step-By-Step Guide for Employers - LighterHR - Featured

    How to Manage Grievances

    Introduction A few weeks ago we wrote a blog post about the mistakes companies can make when handling an employee grievance. We thought it might be useful to step back a little and create a step-by-step guide on what an employer should do if they receive a grievance. Grievances can be tricky to navigate as…

  • Legal Duties of Employers to Prevent Sexual Harassment in the Workplace - LighterHR - Featured

    Preventing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

    Businesses have a statutory duty to take action to prevent sexual harassment. Employers are legally required to take reasonable steps to reduce the chance of sexual harassment happening in the workplace. Our post provides insights into organisations moving from dealing with complaints to taking action in prevention.

  • How Big is the Threat of Constructive Dismissal - LighterHR - Featured

    How Big is the Threat of Constructive Dismissal?

    One employee issue our clients often worry about is having an employee resign and claim constructive dismissal based on dissatisfaction with some element of their employment or how they have been managed. This post provides insights so that you can understand the types of situations where these claims could be a risk to your business.

  • Dealing with Employee Problems in the Workplace - LighterHR - Featured

    Dealing with Employee Problems in the Workplace

    It’s impossible for managers to please everyone, and employees won’t always get on with each other. As such conflicts are bound to arise in a workplace and resolving them is key to a harmonious workplace. Therefore, this blog post gives some suggestions concerning how to handle such conflicts.

  • When the Employee Grievance Can't Be Solved - LighterHR - Featured

    What Happens When the Grievance Can’t Be Solved?

    Grievances don’t always lead to the result that the employee desires. As such, it is important that you take the right steps after the grievance if it can’t be solved, including in cases of an employee’s resignation. This post gives an overview of what some of this steps may be.

  • When Should Employers Use Settlement Agreements - LighterHR - Featured

    When Should Employers Use Settlement Agreements?

    A settlement agreement is a legally binding document that allows the employer to end employment by making a payment to an employee above that to which they are contractually entitled. In return for that payment, the employee agrees not to take any further action in relation to their employment. In this post we’ll look at…

  • What Employers Should Do If Receive an Employment Tribunal Claim - LighterHR - Featured

    What To Do If an Employment Tribunal Claim Arrives?

    At some point it’s possible that an Employment Tribunal claim will land on your desk.  It could be something that you’ve been expecting; alternatively, it could catch you completely off guard.  Either way, it’s useful to know what you as an employer need to do if you find yourself in this situation.

  • How to Conduct a Grievance Investigation - LighterHR - Featured

    How to Conduct a Grievance Investigation

    A key step in a grievance process will be the need to conduct an investigation and, in this post, we’ll explore frequently asked questions on conducting a grievance investigation.

  • 5 Common Mistakes when Managing Grievances - LighterHR - Featured

    5 Common Mistakes When Managing Grievances

    Dealing with employee grievances can be one of the most challenging issues in the workplace. Employees can be disgruntled and the issues are typically complex. In this blog post, we’re going to look at the common mistakes that are made when dealing with grievances and give some tips on how to avoid them.

  • When Do Employees have the Right to Appeal - LighterHR - Featured

    The Right to Appeal – What Does It Mean and When Does It Apply?

    Employees have a right to appeal decisions relating to certain HR processes and in this blog post we look at this right in more detail so that you can understand when it applies and how you should deal with appeals.

  • The Right To Be Accompanied - LighterHR - Featured

    The Right to be Accompanied: When Does it Apply?

    We’ve had a lot of cases recently when questions have arisen regarding an employee’s right to be accompanied at various meetings. Given that it’s something that has come up quite frequently we thought we’d take this opportunity to provide you with some more information on this right and how it works.

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