What Happens at a Disciplinary Hearing?

What Happens at a Disciplinary Hearing - LighterHR

You find yourself in a situation where an employee has done something wrong and you need to go through a formal process with them. Part of that process will be to conduct a disciplinary hearing.  But, what happens at a disciplinary hearing? In this post, we’re assuming that you’ve already conducted any necessary investigations and invited…

6 Possible Disciplinary Hearing Outcomes

6 Possible Disciplinary Hearing Outcomes - LighterHR

Navigating the outcomes of disciplinary hearings can be challenging and it is important for managers to decide on the outcomes which are fair and reasonable. In this blog, we walk you through the various possible outcomes of disciplinary hearings.

FAQ on How to Conduct a Disciplinary Investigation

FAQ on How to Conduct a Disciplinary Investigation - LighterHR

Conducting a disciplinary investigation is a critical process for any organisation when faced with potential employee misconduct. In this blog post, we’ll explore frequently asked questions on investigations during the disciplinary process.

How to Conduct a Disciplinary Hearing

How to Conduct a Disciplinary Hearing - LighterHR

This post provides the steps on how to conduct a disciplinary hearing and what needs to be considered. The guidance assumes that any necessary investigations have been undertaken and that there is a disciplinary case to answer.

5 Common Mistakes When Managing Employee Absence

5 Common Mistakes when Managing Employee Absence - LighterHR

Managing employee absence can be a minefield, with many employers avoiding it where they can. In this blog post, we’re going to look at the common mistakes that are made when managing employee absence and give some tips on how to avoid them.

Can and Should You Always Dismiss an Employee for Gross Misconduct?

2014-03-17 - Gross Misconduct - Can and Should You Always Dismiss the Employee - Lighter HR

Many employers have a list of behaviours in their employee disciplinary policy that constitute gross misconduct. If an employee commits one of these ‘crimes’ then the outcome is clear, right? Well, not necessarily. This post sets out the process and considerations that you need to make before dismissing an employee on the grounds of gross misconduct.

The Right to be Accompanied; When Does it Apply?

2017-02-07 - The Right To Be Accompanied When Does It Apply - Lighter HR

We’ve had a lot of cases recently when questions have arisen regarding an employee’s right to be accompanied at various meetings. Given that it’s something that has come up quite frequently we thought we’d take this opportunity to provide you with some more information on this right and how it works.

Outsourcing HR Guide - LighterHR