HR Policies

LighterHR - Employment Contracts & Policies

HR Policies

Ensure you have effective HR policies for your business and employees

Most businesses start off with 4 key HR policies: Disciplinary, Grievance, DEI and Health & Safety and now you should add Preventing Sexual Harassment to that list.

As your business grows, new documents may need to be introduced or your current ones updated. For instance, a pregnancy will require a maternity policy, and a jury service summons will need an absence policy.

Putting in place a set of policies that help you manage your team will save you time, and potentially money in the long run. However, it can be tricky to know which areas need policies and what those policies should include.

That’s where our expertise comes in.

For more details, see our HR Policies FAQ

How We Can Help You

LighterHR - Employment Contracts & Policies

There are a variety of ways we can help with your HR policies:

  • We can review the policies you already have and recommend updates where either employment law or HR best practice has changed.
  • We can advise on any additional policies that would be beneficial to your business.
  • We can provide either a full-set or ad-hoc policies to ensure that you have everything covered.
  • We can create bespoke policies that are specific to your company.

We have a great deal of experience in reviewing, creating, and rolling out policies so let us help you.

“LighterHR has been a great support to my business, from strategic direction to day-to-day HR matters. They listen, take the time to understand my business and give me sound advice. I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending LighterHR.”

Testimonial - Sophie Eastwood, MD, Holistic

Sophie Eastwood

Managing Director, Holistic Group

Client - Marketing PR Agency - Holistic Group

HR Policies Frequently Asked Questions

What policies do I need as a minimum?

The answer to this really depends on your business.

However, if you’re thinking only about the policies you need in order to manage employment law risk, we would suggest:

  • Disciplinary
  • Grievance
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
  • Preventing Sexual Harassment
  • Absence
  • Health and Safety
  • GDPR

The above policies put you in the best position for managing the most frequently occurring employee issues.

Other than policies, what other HR documents to I need?

The most important document, even above policies, is a contract of employment/written confirmation of employment document.

You are legally obliged to provide employees with written confirmation of key elements of their employment, on their first day of work.

What is the process to roll out or make changes to employment policies?

When it comes to implementing policies, the process should be fairly straight forward but this will depend on the level of change that you’re achieving with these policies.

If the policies are really just confirming statutory rights and obligations then you can simply inform employees of their existence. You don’t need to go through any consultation process as they are simply confirming the law. This also applies when there is new employment law that requires you to implement a new policy.

However, if you’re implementing policies that change fundamental practices then you may need to go through a consultation process.

If you’re looking to make significant changes to policies then it’s worth getting some professional guidance on the approach to follow. Similarly, if you’re making a small change but you already know it’s likely to be unpopular, it’s probably worth getting some professional input to see if there’s a way to minimise the disruption.

What Do I Do Now?

Your new or updated employment policies can be implemented as soon as you need it.

To understand the options available to you, use the sidebar to book a consultation, complete the contact form or call us on 0203 535 5750, and our team will start helping you straight away.