Employee Grievance

Lighter HR - Employee Disciplinary

Support to Deal With Employee Grievances from HR Experts

Dealing with an employee grievance can be very challenging.

You can be the best employer in the world but you’ll never please everyone all of the time. Unpopular decisions will have to be made. Or something will happen in the workplace that is beyond your control. This can result in a disgruntled employee who raises a grievance.

Finding someone to hear the grievance who isn’t involved in the situation can be difficult. Knowing what solutions you can suggest can also be problematic. Emotions can be running high and it’s important to find a way forward. This will help to ensure that an employee grievance doesn’t start to have a widespread negative impact on your business.

That’s where our expertise comes in.

For more details, see our Employee Grievance FAQ

How We Can Help with an Employee Grievance Process

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There are many different ways that we can help you, including:

  • We can be a sounding board and make sure that you are not digging yourself into a hole by doing what you plan to do.
  • We can provide you with a plan to follow and the documentation you need. We can be there to guide you every step of the way.
  • We can deal with the issue on your behalf. We’ll work with you to agree the approach. Then have the conversations for you and make sure all of the documentation is in place.

And many other variations! We can be as visible or invisible as you like. Whichever approach you choose, you’ll know that the issue is being dealt with in a legally compliant way. Additionally, it will be dealt with in a way that’s aligned to your business values.

“LighterHR immediately took on the burden of a situation and relieved the anxiety that existed in our minds. We would recommend them to anyone requiring HR support.”

Simon Froom

Managing Director, Knowall IT

Employee Grievance Frequently Asked Questions

I’m worried I’ve not acted “by the book” with this employee grievance…

The most common concern when it comes to an employee grievance is that something should have been done sooner. It could be that an employee has mentioned something about their issue in the past. Maybe they even put it in writing, but it wasn’t recognised as a grievance. Therefore, it wasn’t dealt with through the employee grievance procedure.

Another concern that employers often have is that maybe they could have taken action that would have avoided the employee being unhappy in the first place.

Whatever the situation, we can help you. We just need you to tell us absolutely everything that has happened to date. We can then help you move things forward in a way that’s both practical and aligned to best practice and employment law.

What’s the risk of managing this employee grievance without professional help?

This is one of the few situations when it simply might not be possible for you to deal with the matter yourself. If you’re named in the grievance then you really can’t be involved in hearing and investigating it. You’ll be accused of being biased. It’s unlikely that it would be deemed to be legally sound if you do find yourself having to defend your actions in an employment tribunal.

Even if you aren’t named in the grievance, if the employee is being critical of the business or other members of your team, it can be difficult to keep all emotion out and not become impatient.

In terms of legal risk, the most significant is that you don’t deal with the matter in a procedurally sound way. If you then find yourself in an employment tribunal defending your actions and lose the case and you may have to pay an additional 25% on top of any award that the individual receives.

Is managing a grievance going to take up a lot of my time?

That will really depend on how involved you want to be. With employee grievances, we can do a lot of the work on behalf of the company so it’s possible that it won’t take up a lot of your time.

Can you reduce the risk of an employment tribunal claim?

Reduce it, yes. Remove it, no!

We need to be clear and frank here – there is nothing that anyone can do that will remove the risk of an employment tribunal claim altogether.

When it comes to an employee grievance, the main employment tribunal risk is that you don’t deal with the grievance appropriately and the individual resigns and brings a claim for constructive dismissal. There could also be allegations of discrimination that are rolled into that claim and it can get expensive and time consuming.

Whilst we can’t remove the risk entirely, we will work with you to ensure that the risk is managed.

The biggest contributing factor in an employee raising an employment tribunal claim is how they feel they have been treated. Grievance situations can be difficult and emotional, particularly when you’re in the middle of it all. This is the first way in which we can help. By being external and independent we can start to remove the emotion and get to the facts. We can help all parties understand where things may have gone wrong and often find successful resolutions that get the employee/employer relationship back on track.

Employees also can feel that, by involving us, the company is taking their grievance seriously which is very beneficial and again, helps to take some of the emotion out of the situation.

Critically, we can manage the risk of you incurring higher-than-necessary awards and paying the additional 25% at tribunal for failing to follow the appropriate process.

This grievance is about something that I have done. What should I do?

No one’s perfect and you can find yourself in a position where something that you’ve done has upset an employee.

There are many scenarios if you are the subject of the employee grievance where it would be appropriate to get our help, for example:

  • If you’re the most senior person in the organisation and therefore there’s no point of escalation;
  • If you could ask a manager of another team or department to hear the grievance but you’d rather the matter was dealt with externally due to reasons of confidentiality;
  • If there are concerns raised about the impartiality of the process if it is performed internally.

If you are in one of these or similar scenarios, get in touch and we can manage the grievance for you effectively and impartially.

How can you help me deal with a grievance?

The first thing with an employee grievance is that, you might actually be named in it! In these cases, we can deal with the matter on your behalf. In this scenario, we’ll hear the case and carry out any investigations needed. We can then provide the employee and the employer with an outcome report that contains a set of recommendations. It will still be your decision as to whether you take those recommendations on board, but we will have to report on what we find. We will be balanced and unbiased. However, this may mean that we have to tell you things that you don’t want to hear.

Alternatively, we can support you as you move through the employee grievance procedure. We can either provide light-touch support and help you to prepare for meetings, provide you with documentation, review documentation and be at the end of the phone. We can also be with you on calls and in meetings with the employee. Additionally, we can chair meetings and write the all important outcome letter. Our service is fully flexible and we’ll work with you in whichever way is best for you.

What Do I Do Now?

Support for managing your employee’s grievance can be in place as soon as you need it.

To understand the options for the support you need, simply book a consultation, complete the contact form or call us on 0203 535 5750, and our team will start helping you straight away.