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As a business owner, the challenges you face are endless.  One of the hardest things to manage is when the business is not performing as planned and there is a downturn. 

The most important thing to do is to make sure you have real insight into what is happening in the business and identify the cause for the downturn.  Our complete guide to ‘Steering Your Business Through A Downturn’ helps you do exactly that.   

As well as examining the possible causes and action steps that you can take to protect your business, this guide takes an in-depth look at what you can do if redundancy is your best route forward. 

With this comprehensive 35-page guide you’ll:


Feel confident assessing your options to find the right solution for your business.


Understand where to start if Redundancy is your best option.


Understand what is meant by the redundancy process and the exact steps to take to follow the process correctly.


Get answers to the most frequently asked questions.


Debunk common misconceptions about the redundancy process.


Get exclusive access to our top 5 tips for managing a redundancy process effectively.


Have the knowledge to carry out a redundancy process the right way.

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